Vision Statement

Clean Valley Recycling will be a thriving regional hub for today’s materials management and a center for environmental awareness and education.

Mission Statement

Clean Valley Recycling’s mission is to provide materials management services and to inspire and educate the residents of Southeast Colorado to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Donation and Membership Program

Your interest in contributing to Clean Valley Recycling is greatly appreciated. Memberships and charitable contributions are an important source of income for our nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
To become a member of Clean Valley Recycling, please choose one of the membership levels below. Members are invited to attend our annual business meeting and have a voice in Clean Valley Recycling’s direction by voting for board members.

_____ Volunteer Membership “Clean Earth” – No cost
Benefits include 3 free recycling bags for volunteering a minimum of 4 hours.
_____ Basic Membership “Clean Trails” $20.00 – Annually
Benefits include 3 free recycling bags.
_____ Patron level 1 “Clean Prairie” $50 – Annually
Benefits include 5 free recycling bags and recognition at the recycle center.
_____ Patron level 2 “Clean River” $100 – Annually
Benefits include 10 free recycling bags and recognition at the recycle center.

You can now invest in your Membership Online!  Once you’ve chosen the Membership Level you would like to invest in, Click the DONATE button.  Type in the amount corresponding to your membership level ($20, $50, or $100) and choose whether you’d like to donate with PayPal or with your Debit/Credit Card.  On the next screen please type in your Name, Address, Email, and Phone Number. 

If you’d like to invest in your membership by check, please return this form with your check to Clean Valley Recycling, PO Box 1053, La Junta, CO 81050. We will send you acknowledgement and a membership card in the mail.

Thank you for your support!

CVR Membership Form (pdf)

CVR Membership re-up letter 2023