We accept most types of cardboard. This includes corrugated and paperboard cardboard. Drop off is free at all of our locations.
Cardboard is the single largest component of waste from businesses going to our landfill and it is one of the easiest items to recycle. So don’t throw it in the dump – recycle it!
Break down and flatten your cardboard, corrugated cardboard or paper-board (cereal boxes, etc) and stack in an intact box.
Do not include any cardboard contaminated with oil, grease, food or chemicals.
Bring your cardboard to one of our drop-off locations.
We would be happy to come and pick up cardboard at your place of business for a minimal fee. Call us to set up a schedule 719-468-0254.
Cardboard Facts:
Cardboard is one of the easiest materials to recycle.
There are two types of cardboard and both can be recycled
paperboard (cereal boxes, tissue boxes, etc.)
CVR’s cardboard is currently going to a recycler in Oklahoma that makes sheet rock
We sell about 35 tons (1 1/2 semi-loads) every month
A cardboard box can be recycled 9 times before the fibers become too short to use
One ton of recycled cardboard saves nine cubic yards of landfill space
85% of products sold in the US are packaged in cardboard